The AppExchange’s 4 Coolest Lightning Components!


Utilizing the underlying architecture, which includes Lighting Components, is one of the most persuasive arguments for switching to Lightning Experience.

To improve or complete your current configuration, you can install these components from the AppExchange or have a developer design them for a particular business use case according to the Salesforce training classes in Nagpur.

Lightning Components can give LEX a wide range of versatility that Classic could not. The top Lightning Components available for download from the AppExchange are listed below.
This is NOT an advertisement for any of these packages; I have installed and tested each in my development environment. The order in which I found these on the AppExchange is also reflected in the posting, says the Salesforce expert of the Salesforce training institute in Nagpur.

Locating Elements of Lightning:

You can download Lightning Components from AppExchange. The navigation could be a little more obvious, but they’re easy to find if you know where to search.

The AppExchange's 4 Coolest Lightning Components

It would help if your organization had My Domain enabled to use Lightning Components. Make sure to complete this in your sandbox or developer organization if you still need to do so.

Always be sure to fully grasp how My Domain interacts with any current functionality, including integrations, before enabling it in your production org.

So now let us check out the lightning components in the AppExchange, as discussed with the best Salesforce training courses in Nagpur.

The AppExchange’s 4 Coolest Lightning Components!

1. My Tasks LTC:

Thanks to this lightning component, you can access all your jobs in your lighting app. Access your tasks and filters by dragging and dropping the My Tasks lightning component onto your lightning App.

The installation was easy. After installation, no further configuration is required; create or update a Lightning App Page and add the component! Easy!

Users switching from Classic will value this element. When consumers want to know what is coming up in their week, LEX’s default task homepage component displays “Today’s Tasks.” This could be more helpful, says the expert of the Salesforce training institute in Nagpur.

2. USA Heat map:

One thing is displayed by this free lightning component: the number of “My” accounts, contacts, or leads, or the number of locations for the entire company.

This component would be an excellent addition to the homepage or an App Page, even though it only offers a few customization possibilities and isn’t particularly eye-catching, says the founder of the Salesforce training classes in Nagpur.

3. Recycle Bin:

Perhaps you have not noticed, but nowhere in LEX is the Recycle Bin on display. That’s insane nonsense. I know that. Well, tom901 saved the day by developing and making the Recycle Bin component available on the AppExchange.

Additionally, it provides the Recycle Bin to Lightning Experience, just as it says! In addition, it’s much better because it’s a component!

Here is a screenshot of the navigation bar’s Recycle Bin tab. It performs as expected, enabling you to examine and restore items in your personal and business recycle Bin depending on your permissions. The ability to use the component in the, though, is more remarkable according to the Salesforce training classes in Nagpur.

Yup! The Recycle Bin is now accessible throughout the application thanks to adding the component to the Utility bar. Particularly helpful for those folks who unintentionally touch the Delete button a lot!

4. Daydream Lightning Bundle:

A single-installed package called the Daydream Lightning Bundle contains many incredible parts that can be used throughout Salesforce.

This is among its components:

  • Higher Level Manual Sharing (shown below)
  • Global/National Heat Map
  • Tracker for Advanced Field History Activity
  • Dynamic Button for the Video Player Dynamic Banner (shown below)
  • Search for Team Member Notes (searches standard notes)

The warning, information, and error styles of the banner at the top of the page each have a link to an external program or website. The banner components with winter ’18 can be dynamic and only show up based on specific criteria (which is perfect for the banner displayed in this image).

A record Action is also how I’ve set up the manual sharing component to function. I can share a record with Users, Public Groups, and Roles inside the organization after selecting it and viewing who else has access.

Lightning Components can give LEX a wide range of versatility that Classic could not. The top Lightning Components available for download from the AppExchange have been discussed in the above piece in consultation with the expert of the Salesforce training institute in Nagpur.

This is NOT an advertisement for any of these programs; the expert of the training institute has installed and tested each in my presence. The order in which I found these on the AppExchange is also reflected in the posting.


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