Few things, Your Partner Should Never Say


In the heat of the moment, we can all say awful things to our partners. Although most people can understand that you weren’t angry, certain phrases can have a negative effect on your relationship.

Many studies have shown that just a few statements made by a partner can be disastrous. Relationship Counsellors advise that certain phrases should be avoided in a relationship.

Online Relationship Counselling is often required for partners to make their relationship successful. The gap between the partners can be filled with Relationship Counselling.
Couples counselling is generally ideal for addressing relationship issues but individual counselling can be a good alternative depending on the circumstances. Truth be told, there are times when this choice might be a preferable one over a couple of treatments.

Relationship Counselling

Let’s ensure that you don’t get into a difficult situation and need to seek help in order to keep your relationship intact. We have compiled a list of a few things you shouldn’t say to your partner.

I’m no longer attracted to you.

This is a difficult one for people to overcome, even though it wasn’t intended. We, humans, are prone to believe that our partner is not trying to make us unattractive. It can cause serious damage to the relationship between partners and is very difficult to repair.

Oh! I wish things could be equivalent to what they used to

When going through a tough time or rough patch, it’s easy to recall the good times. It is impossible to relive the past or recreate it so statements like these are not helpful. It can also encourage a feeling of longing, yearning, and wishful thinking that diminishes the positive aspects of the current relationship and corrupts and limits its future growth.

Ah!! You are so boring.

This is not only a mean statement but everyone who has heard it knows that boring is the most dangerous word to use. This is an unloving, harsh, and hurtful statement. Nothing good can be derived from it. Negative criticism, comparisons, and judgment will always lead to separation and division.

Why don’t you listen to me?

Although it may seem like your partner doesn’t listen, this is not helpful. This type of limiting statement is often made in long-term relationships where healthy communication between the partners is not valued or ignored. This statement should not be repeated repeatedly in an aggressive or emotional tone.

You are so selfish.

It’s easy to let things slip if you don’t feel heard. It is a judgmental and critical statement that targets the person and not their actions. This can lead to separation and disconnection in a relationship. Although this type of statement is often made in a hurry, it can cause severe damage and impede communication.

I don’t have the time.

Ignoring your partner is the worst thing. It can sound like you are trying to dismiss your partner by using words such as “I don’t have the time” or similar phrases. This can also indicate that you don’t care about your partner’s needs and could make them feel less important. You can find a time that works for both of you, even if you don’t have the time.

It’s Your Fault

It is futile and pointless to blame one another. This only encourages anger and rage. Instead, look at your role in the problem and consider what you can do to help it. Instead of blaming your partner, ask him/her directly what you would like them to do differently. You can find ways to change things so that the blame game doesn’t start.

Anyone Can Do What You Do

It is easier to judge your partner’s achievements, interests, and efforts than it is on them. A healthy partnership should be mutual support and working together to improve each other’s lives. It is okay to not understand your partner’s interests or ways of thinking. It doesn’t mean you have to share everything. In fact, it’s better if you don’t. Be appreciative of your partner’s efforts.

Find the best Relationship Counsellor nearby you

You can find the best online Relationship Counsellor nearby you through TalktoAngel which brings online Relationship counselling and Online Counsellors services related to mental health issues and relationship issues to your door in a very easy, confidential, and affordable manner.


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