Irregular or Delayed Periods and Infertility – What Should You Know?


You (females) have a menstrual cycle. At the beginning of a menstrual cycle, you have periods that last for 5-7 days in a menstrual cycle of 28 days. Some of you have issues with your periods. Sometimes, they are irregular or delayed. As per experts of a Fertility Clinic in India, delayed or irregular periods can be problematic and frustrating for you. However, it is not a matter you need to worry about. Your irregular or delayed periods could be a sign of hormonal imbalances and fertility issues. 

As a female, you should get in touch with a gynecologist or a fertility expert if you have frequent period delays or irregularities. The doctor can recommend a few tests/screenings and medications to get relief from the issue. Here, have a look at all the points associated with delayed/irregular periods and infertility:

Irregular or Delayed Periods and Infertility

What are irregular periods?

Females have periods in their menstrual cycles of 28-35 days. Experts term the gap as irregular periods when a woman does not have periods at the right time in a month. As a female, you can experience irregular periods in your reproductive age. Your delayed or irregular periods could be a result of hormonal imbalances. However, you should not have frequent irregularities or delays in your periods or at unexpected intervals. Sometimes, irregular periods can be one of the signs of infertility in females. You should visit a doctor and get the right treatment before it gets worse.  

What makes you have irregular or delayed periods?

Causes of period delays or irregularities differ from one female to another. Here are some possible causes that can make you prone to irregular periods:

  • Stress
  • Routine change 
  • Intensive exercises 
  • Weight gain or loss 
  • Eating disorders
  • High or low thyroid levels 
  • Hormonal imbalances caused by birth control pills, estrogen supplements, or patches 
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Can your irregular periods cause infertility in you?

Often, a delayed or irregular period relates to infertility in women. Your age, hormonal imbalances, weight loss/gain, etc. can cause you to have irregularities or delays in your periods. You need to consult a fertility expert to identify the main reason. 

How can you know your periods are not regular?

You need to track your menstrual cycle. And for it, you can mark the date on which you bleed through your vagina. Vaginal bleeding is the beginning of your period in a menstrual cycle. Do date marking for a few months in a row. After 3-6 months, have a close look at the marked dates and find whether you had periods on a particular date or different ones. If the marked dates differ, you have irregular periods. A slight difference is okay, but there should be no big difference. 

Suggest to Read:- Tips to Get Pregnant Faster

Usually, irregular or delayed periods leave no bad impacts on fertility and pregnancy chances. Many females with irregular or delayed periods have gotten pregnant and become mothers through normal deliveries. An irregularity in your periods is not a sign of infertility in you. However, your delayed or irregular periods can make you have issues getting pregnant. It is, as you fail to estimate your ovulation time. 

Having no idea about ovulation time means you have no idea about the right time to have sex to get pregnant. Without ovulation, you can’t conceive. Knowing the ovulation issues through doctor consultations and a few tests can help you treat the issues and have a conception. 


Having irregularities or delays in periods from time to time is common. It doesn’t need to have treatment. However, having frequent period irregularities or delays requires doctor consultation and treatment. Your treatment could be based on the root cause. It could include medicines, surgeries, lifestyle changes, or a combination of these three. Your doctor is the right person to advise the best treatment for you.  


You should worry about your delayed or irregular periods if they are frequent. They could be due to hormonal imbalances and changes in lifestyle. Sometimes, they can relate to reproductive health issues like PCOS. Your doctor can help you know the root cause, treat the issue and get pregnant. 


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