A Complete Study Guide to DP 203: Microsoft Azure Data Engineer Associate Exam


The Microsoft DP-203 certification exam enables one to develop skills to design and implement data storage and data processing, security designs and implementations, and monitoring and optimizing data storage and processing on Microsoft Azure systems.
When a candidate passes the examination and obtains the DP-203 certification, they gain the validity and credibility of Azure Data Engineering skills like processing, implementing, monitoring, designing, and so on.
A Complete Study Guide To DP 203: Microsoft Azure Data Engineer Associate Exam

As a candidate for this DP 203 certification, you must have a sound knowledge of various data processing languages like Python, Scala, etc. Azure Data Engineers are responsible for different tasks, including transforming data, ingesting streaming and batch data, and optimizing data platforms.

The Examination Pattern

The DP-203 examination will have around 40-60 questions in the form of multiple-choice questions, scenario-based questions, drop-type questions, or questions you need to arrange in a correct sequence.

The time allotted for this exam to every candidate is two hours, and the cut-off score for this exam is 700. A candidate has to pay USD 165 to sit for the exam. The examination is always conducted in the English language.

Why is it necessary to take the DP 203 Certification?

  • Data Engineers are in demand in today’s day and age. Apart from that, the DP-203 certification is globally recognized.
  • After obtaining the DP-203 certification, 26% of the candidates got a promotion, and more than 35% of Tech professionals received a salary hike.
  • DP-203 certification can help you acquire higher positions with a higher salary.
  • A DP-203 certification adds considerable value to your resume and helps you stand out among candidates.

Who should be taking the DP-203 certification?

  • Any candidate who has a knack for Data Engineering.
  • For candidates engaged in professions in fields like Business Intelligence, Data Administration, and Data Architect.
  • Candidates well versed in data processing languages like Python, SQL, and so on.
  • Candidates who are proficient in data architecture patterns and parallel processing.
  • Data Engineers can easily consolidate and transform unstructured data into structured data.

Retake Policy for the Examination

The DP-203 has a retake policy that states:

  • A candidate needs to wait 24 hours before retaking the exam if they have failed on their first attempt.
  • A candidate who fails on their second attempt must wait almost 14 days before retaking the examination.
  • A candidate has five attempts to retake the examination within a year.

Tips for the DP-203 Examination

  • You need to become familiar with the pattern and expand your horizon. That will only happen when you take up quite a few practice tests.
  • When you enroll in a reputed Microsoft course, you will find that the practice questions are nearly similar to those asked on the test day. Every answer is explained by taking a reference from credible documentation.
  • Try to answer the questions using your commercial knowledge during the first learning phase.
  • Plan a proper schedule and try to get a firm hold on every concept. You can achieve that by registering yourself into reputed Microsoft certification courses.
  • Make sure that you are in a quiet space while giving the test.
  • Refrain from reading aloud from the question paper, which may lead to disqualification.
  • Make sure you remove external keyboards, papers, pencils, and other similar items before taking a photo.
  • Make sure your eyes are fixed on the computer screen during the test. Pearson VUE monitors you throughout the exam with your device’s front-facing camera. Your failure to fix your eyes on the computer screen may even get you accused of cheating.
  • Make sure you do not stare at a distance while thinking during the examination.
  • Enroll yourself in Microsoft certification training to gain practical experience.


The DP-203 certification is perfect for candidates who want to demonstrate their expertise in implementing data solutions by using Microsoft Azure data services. You will learn various skills like integration of data, transformation, and consolidation into structured from unstructured data that are appropriate for coming up with innovative analytical solutions for the company.

As you prepare for this examination from Microsoft online courses, ensure that your basics and concepts are clear. Once you understand the concept behind the answer, you can easily pass the DP-203 certification test.


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