How Ayurveda Can Prevent Sinusitis and Hay Fever


Our skull has eight hollow spaces called sinuses, which are located around the nose. The sinuses make the head lighter, serve as shock absorbers for the skull, make our voices sound better, and moisturize the nasal cavity. The coating of mucus acts as a barrier between the inside of the nose and microorganisms, pollutants, dirt, and dust.

Sinuses are able to empty the mucus that they create into the nasal cavity; however, sinuses may get clogged when there is either an excessive amount of mucus produced or an obstruction in the mucus outflow. In the end, bacteria will assault them, resulting in discomfort, inflammation, and the production of purulent mucus, all of which are Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis. People who suffer from conditions such as asthma, allergies, or structural obstructions in the nose, as well as those who have compromised immune systems or sinuses, are more likely to develop sinusitis.

Ayurveda Can Prevent Sinusitis

The appearance of viruses, bacteria, and fungus in the sinuses, which causes inflammation, infection, and other symptoms connected to sinusitis, is referred to as sinusitis. In the beginning stages, there may be signs of acute rhinitis, sometimes known as the common cold. This might be followed by the involvement of the sinuses, which would be characterized by the emergence of thick, yellow mucus. Sinusitis is characterized by a collection of uncomfortable symptoms, the most frequent of which are a dull aching in the head, a feeling that one’s head is heavy, and a hacking cough that may produce some mucus.

If you want to avoid getting sinusitis, you should steer clear of environments that are very windy, snowy, and dusty.

– Especially when the weather is cold and/or windy, you should avoid eating cold meals.

– When heading outside in the cold weather, it is important to dress appropriately and remember to keep your head and ears covered.

– If you have a Kapha or Vata body type, or if you have a tendency to get sinusitis quickly, you should choose warm foods that are simple to digest.

– Drink warm, light foods that aren’t too heavy and add a dash of oil, butter, or ghee to them during the acute phase of a common cold. Millet, quinoa, oat porridge, grilled meat, soup made with vegetables or meat, and similar foods are also healthy options.

– If you are experiencing constipation, you should treat it immediately, especially if you have a propensity for allergic reactions.

– Oral and nasal cleaning with warm saline water or warm Triphala tea on a regular basis. Nasal cleansing may be done with anutailam or saline water. It will assist cleanse your passageways and removing any mucus that you have.

What exactly is flu?

The influenza virus causes the flu, which is a highly infectious respiratory infection that differs from the usual cold. The virus may infect the throat, the nose, and occasionally even the lungs. It has the potential to cause sickness ranging from mild to severe, and in some people, it may even result in death.

The influenza virus is spread mostly via airborne droplets that are produced when a person with the flu talks, coughs or sneezes. These droplets have the potential to get lodged in the mouth or nose of those who are in close proximity to them. The flu may also be transferred when a person touches a surface that already has the virus on it and then touches their own mouth or nose thereafter.

Ayurvedic Treatment for the Influenza

There is some evidence that infections, germs, and the infectious potential of some disorders are recognized by Ayurveda. Ayurveda, on the other hand, places a greater focus on strengthening the body so that it can better fight diseases and avoid them. According to Ayurveda Parramatta, sluggish metabolism and the buildup of toxins are the primary reasons for a weak immune system.

Ayurveda focuses on boosting health and immunity by increasing metabolism and conducting detox, which actually helps in recurring and/or chronic illnesses. This is done after resolving the current infection and any imbalances that have developed as a result of it.

During flu season, here are some steps you may do to improve your natural immunity:

Flu epidemics often occur at times of the year when human immunity is low as a result of changes in the weather. Therefore, adopting additional precautions at certain times of year may be of considerable assistance in preventing the flu.

Try not to work too much, and take daytime naps when you can. Exhausting our bodies with employment makes us more susceptible to illness. On the other hand, taking sleep during the daytime contributes to the buildup of mucus in the body, which in turn raises the risk of developing influenza.

Having the appropriate number of layers of clothing may help protect against the elements, particularly in cold and dry conditions. Remember to protect your ears and head as well as your head when it’s windy or snowing outside.

How to Strengthen Your Immunity to Fight Off the Flu

Vata and Kapha do not get along very well, and the winter season, which is characterized by chilly temperatures, is the ideal time for this to happen. The primary cause of the flu is an imbalance in the doshas of Vata and Kapha. Herbs that strengthen the immune system, such as Amalaki, ashwagandha, Guduchi, ginger, and basil, may contribute to maintaining a healthy dosha balance and warding off influenza. Drink several cups of warm basil-ginger, ginger-lemon, or ginger-lemon tea each day.


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